Year-End Awards Program
The SPHO-NJ Year-End Awards Program is designed to encourage members to use their Standardbreds as ambassadors in horse shows, parades, hunter paces, trail rides, and exhibitions.
These awards are designed to recognize those who help show the Standardbreds as a versatile breed within the equestrian community, rewarding excellence in all disciplines.
Celebrating our members and their horses who have worked to promote the breed in sport and recreation, each season’s hard work is rewarded with a year-end awards banquet hosted in February.
To be eligible for year-end awards, you must:
Be a current SPHO-NJ member
Submit an Annual Horse Registration
Compete at a minimum of three competitions/events/demonstrations within the competition year
Within 30 days of completion of a competition or pleasure ride/drive, submit the corresponding points submission form online
Additional information and the points structure table can be found in the SPHO-NJ Rulebook.